Stand with “Hawa Abdalla”- World Refugee Day


Imagine that you are only 8 months old and have been taken away from your mother. Or, as a mother, you are forcibly separated from your loving baby? Unfortunately this is the story of 8-month old Hawa Abdalla, a child of a Darfuri refugee family in Jordan who has been re-victimized during the largest deportation wave in history. During this period (Dec 2015), 1,000+ Darfuri refugees have been deported back to Sudan.

Hawa was only an 8-month old baby girl when she was forcibly separated from her mother during the deportation of Darfuri refugees from Jordan. Her mother was crying and begging to be allowed only 30 minutes to take her child with her. Sadly she was not allowed, and forcibly deported back to Sudan, where she remains separated from her child.

Please add your voice to DWAG’s letter to the UNHCR to demand that Hawa Abdalla, who is now one year old, and the many other children who share the experience as a result of deportation, be granted speedy processing of their refugee status in order to be relocated to a safe place where they can reunite with their families.

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