In commemoration of Women’s History Month and the recent observation of International Women’s Day, DWAG would like to take this opportunity to recognize not only the suffering the women of Darfur had to ensure, but to recognize their courage, resonance and exceptional leadership.
Darfuri women despite facing the most horrific violence for nearly two decades they have demonstrated outstanding resilience by emerging from the grassroots level to the global stage, rising above and beyond their circumstances and servicing as spokespersons by taking the charge in addressing their community’s issues and leading the efforts for change.
Despite their exceptional leadership those who work on resolving the crises have failed to include women or provide support to empower them . For this reason DWAG is taking a unique approach that doesn’t treat women survivors as victims but equal partners in change making and seek support to enable them seek justice, restore their dishonoring and rebuild their lives.
Starting on March 8, 2021, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, and throughout the month in honor of Women’s History Month, DWAG will be celebrating bold, brave and beautiful women from Darfur and around the world and their stories of resilience and exceptional leadership in the face of insurmountable challenges.
Throughout our “Bold, Brave and Beautiful” campaign, we will feature notable women along with their accomplishments and will be raising funds to support the establishment of our Women Empowering Women Centers in Sudan. These centers serve as a safe space for survivors to gather, connect, and work together to form a grassroots movement for peace and equality for their country. We encourage you to consider supporting our cause by donating to support these centers that will allow Darfuri women to lead the charge towards peace and equality.
We will particularly be highlighting the voices of Darfuri women. We hope you will join our Founder and President Niemat Ahmadi on Thursday, March 11, at 3 p.m. EST on Facebook Live, where she will be sharing her own story of strength and how she is mobilizing to give a voice to the women of Darfur and Sudan. Niemat will also be sharing updates from our office in Al Fashir, Sudan, and how they honored the women of Darfur this International Women’s Day.
DWAG believes that efforts to end genocide and restoring destroyed communities anywhere in the world is not fully possible without the inclusion of the voices of women. In Sudanese life, and in several cultures, women are crucial socially, culturally, economically and in immeasurable other aspects. Hence, it is essential that women have a say in how their futures are shaped.
By bringing together and sharing the voices of international women leaders, and survivors, and placing it at the forefront, we reiterate the importance of including women in all aspects of humanitarian and advocacy efforts in order to truly make the world a better place for all.
Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month by sharing with us your own stories of resilience or that of other brave and bold women you know. Use the hashtag #BoldBraveBeautiful and help us highlight the stories of important female role models in your lives.
Women are not merely the future, but an integral part of the past and present of global social advancement. We call on our supporters to recognize, share and celebrate the vital role played by women in shaping our societies.
We have a voice and it must be heard.