“I first heard Niemat speak at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2009. It was one of her first speaking engagements in the US. She spoke about the systemic rape of women and children and how the Janjaweed were burning the elderly alive in their huts and throwing young babies into the fire as villages were burned to the ground in Darfur. I sat in my seat and cried. I left the museum a different person. I wrote letters to everyone I knew soliciting help for the people of Darfur. I joined the ‘Save Darfur’ movement and passed out postcards at local grocery stores encouraging people to get involved. I quickly became a member of the local Darfur Interfaith Network and began working with people of different faiths, races, ages and backgrounds to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur and other parts of Sudan. Niemat has always been an influential speaker at every one of our marches and walks and frequently attends our monthly vigil at the Embassy of Sudan that has been going on for the past 9 years. Niemat is a remarkable force of determination and courage and her Darfur Women’s Action Group is doing critical life saving work to help the precious people of Darfur. It is an honor and a privilege to work with her and call her my friend.
Never stop bearing witness and raising awareness of the genocides in Sudan and where innocent people are suffering. You never know who you will motivate and what a difference that person may make. Thank you, Niemat, for your tireless efforts and passion for your people. We will never give up.”
January 28 - 2025
January 28 - 2025
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January 26 - 2025
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